
Friday, December 21, 2012

Vega Soft-Body Physics Game Demo

Vega Soft-Body Physics Simulation running in GGE (Ogre3D) from Erik Frimodig on Vimeo.

In this project, we integrated Professor Barbic's Vega Library for mesh deformation into the Gamepipe Game Engine (GGE). At first we did mesh deformation in Ogre with a vertex buffer and a simple cube in the GGE. After this proof of concept, we focused on gameplay, performance, and integration with the GGE. The final product consists of a mesh converted to the vega file format that reacts to the ball being thrown at it. The ball is shot from the center of the camera, which rotates around the model via keyboard input. Upon being hit, we apply a physics force to the model which deforms the collection of vertices around the point of collision. The model resets after a period of time. After completing the demo, we ran Intel Vtune Amplifier to test for performance with multiple threads for the purpose of future projects possibly using parallel processing. Unfortunately, the maximum frame rate for the test mesh was achieved with 4 internal force threads and 2 solver threads. Increasing the thread count slows down the frame rate.

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